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Fačkov Saddle – Kľak is an ideal place for summer and winter activities. Favourite destination for hiking during warmer months, in winter it is favoured for skiing. Peak Kľak reaches a height of 1.352 meters above sea level.
MALÁ FATRA – an ascent of Kľak:
Fačkov Saddle – Staré cesty – Reváň Saddle – Pod skalou – KĽAK – Pod skalou – Kľak waterfall – Bak – Vrícko.
Length of the hike: 11 km, elevation: 600 m, time of the hike: 3:35 hr
In this snow paradise there are 7 slopes of various difficulty (from freeride with the touch of adrenaline up to a mild slope for children), 4 ski lifts, ski equipment rental service, ski service, ski school, sporting goods shop as well as accommodation and restaurant services. You can also enjoy cross-country skiing in the vicinity, when the view of the highest hill and the dominant feature of this area – Kľak with an altitude of 1,351 meters above the sea level – will be just a bonus for you.
The whole area is located 28 km from the tourist centre of Upper Nitra Region – town of Bojnice, on a state road no. 64 connecting this region with Žilina Region. Fačkov Saddle forms a natural border between Strážovské Hills and Lúčanská Malá Fatra and it lies at 803 meters above sea level.
Skiarena Fačkovské sedlo – Kľak (nad obcou Kľačno)
Skiservis – rental, ski school:
+421 907 438 811