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+421 46/54 23 992, +421 904 600 181,
The recreational facility is located just a few minutes walk from Bojnice Castle and the National Zoo. Directly next to the facility, there is a tourist path leading to the lookout tower – Seagull in the clouds. There is also a Tarzania climbing park and many attractions for children and adults. The recreational facility offers accommodation in 2-bed apartments, 2-bed and 4-bed hotel-type rooms with their own bathroom, as well as 2-bed and 6-bed tourist-type rooms with shared bathroom. All rooms are completely renovated. The total capacity of the facility is 114 beds. The total capacity of rooms with private bathroom is 98 beds. Other equipment: lounge, classroom with a capacity of 120 guests, outdoor grass field, fireplace, terrace, WiFi.
Rekreačná 62, Bojnice
+421 908 053 010