Museum of Prehistory Bojnice – Prepost Cave

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Is it possible to experience a trip to Stone Age in the 21st century? Indeed it is, if you pay a visit to Museum of Prehistory in Bojnice, the only one of its kind in Slovakia – located in an original area, where the Neanderthal man truly lived. You will discover prehistoric world of mysterious Neanderthal people and step into an ancient times of human race when people had to fight for their own life. Bojnice is a gem of ancient history, considered the most important site providing evidence on life of prehistoric Neanderthal man in Slovakia. If you trace their footsteps in the precious travertine Prepost Cave, where nowadays the Museum of Prehistory resides, you will be immediately swept into completely different world still breathing with the beauty of a wild nature uncontrolled by hands of modern people. You will find yourself under high treetops with their trunks overgrown with ivy. You will wander along small lake and wetlands full of frogs, you can watch skillful lizards running along the massive travertine rocks and if you are lucky you can even spot Common Kestrels birds of prey, flying above Prepost Cave and making their typical call – killy notes. They come here every year to nest and breed hatchlings.

You will discover and learn plenty of interesting information about the life of mysterious Neanderthal people – how they lived, which animals they hunted, which stone tools they made, whether they knew fire or how long they lived… You can try how to throw a spear to a target or throw pine cones into a basket, sit on a Prehistoric rhinoceros, at pleasant weather even take off your shoes and walk barefoot just like in Prehistory times (on various surfaces – stones, tree bark, pebbles or wood which serves a wonderful massage of your internal organs through pressure points on your feet). Museum offers day and night tours, both of them having its unique charm.

During the day tour you can do a Prehistoric quiz. Night tour under the light of burning torches and sometimes in company of flying bats, living in this area for as long as we can remember, will be of particularly mysterious atmosphere.




Múzeum praveku Slovenska
ulica Rybníčky


0911 878 717
